Working with neighbours

Did you know the TLC’s Skullbone Plains and Liffey Reserves were included in the 2013 Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA) extensions?

Cross tenure cooperation is a positive strategy for long term conservation management, and the TLC’s Reserves Management Officer, Tim Devereux, recently met with Parks and Wildlife staff and neighbours of the 2013 TWWHA extensions to discuss shared management experiences.

“Working together with our fellow neighbours is a vital collaboration for the long term protection of our beautiful landscape,” he said.

The “working neighbour” meet and greet helped foster good relationships between reserve managers and community groups by recognising and addressing key issues of mutual concern. It also gave neighbours the opportunity to flag any potential future risks to the environment and promote cross boundary cooperation.

“During the meeting there was a sharing of issues and concerns that are common to our landscape,” Tim said, explaining that experiences with fire, weed and feral game management and illegal access were all hot topics.

“Out of all the topics discussed fire management was an issue that all groups considered most beneficial to share knowledge and resources,” he said.

The TLC sends a big thank you to Melanie Fazackerely and other Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife staff for coordinating the Working Neighbours Program.

Parks and Wildlife Service North West Fire Manager Eddie Staier, Lake St Clair Ranger in Charge Brendon Meulders & the TLC’s Skullbone Plains Neighbour Bill Bannister. Photo: Tim Devereux.