The TLC Board

The TLC Board contribute their time and considerable expertise voluntarily. We are exceedingly fortunate to be guided by their diverse expertise from a range of professional backgrounds.

Julian Von Bibra
Board Chair
Julian runs his family farm at 'Beaufront', in the Midlands of Tasmania. For the past 30 years he has endeavoured to balance productive agriculture with conservation and biodiversity. In his farming business Julian practices partnership and collaboration to achieve shared outcomes.
Clare Bower
Board Vice Chair
Clare has 25 years’ experience providing financial and operational audit, governance and risk advice to Australian and global organisations, most recently as a senior partner at Deloitte. She was a founding Director of the Deloitte Foundation and a recognised advocate of workplace diversity as an executive of the firm’s Inspiring Women program.
Dr Vanessa Adams
Dr Vanessa Adams is an Associate Professor in Conservation and Planning at the University of Tasmania. Her research focuses on modelling dynamic social-ecological systems to inform conservation decisions that improve ecosystems and the communities they support. She has worked in roles ranging from actuarial analyst for global consulting firm Mercer HR to research scientist at universities. Vanessa regularly partners with relevant government agencies and NGOs to develop solutions for a range of conservation problems.
Stephen Atkinson
Stephen has spent more than 20 years as an investment manager of institutional funds. For the past 11 years Stephen has been a Portfolio Manager and Director of Adam Smith Asset Management.
Dr Ian Cresswell
Ian is an adjunct professor at the University of Western Australia. He has a long history working in environmental science across Australia, and has lived in Tasmania for the past 20 years. He has led major terrestrial biodiversity and marine science programs nationally and was co-Chair of the most recent national State of the Environment report (2021).
Simon Foster
Simon Foster is an experienced land manager and Company Director. For 30 years he has run a family farming business at Campbell Town in Tasmania’s Midlands, producing sustainable merino wool on  significant and diverse areas of high conservation value. Since 2002 Simon has been a Director of the North Australian Pastoral Company, a leader in sustainable natural resource management and environmental stewardship.
Erika Korosi
Erika is an experienced sustainability leader with deep and broad expertise across a range of aspects, including biodiversity, environmental management, climate resilience and mitigation, nature-based solutions, water stewardship, and human and Indigenous rights. Her career has spanned strategy setting and implementation, risk governance, stakeholder engagement and partnering within corporate and philanthropic settings across Australia and internationally. Erika currently works for the BHP Foundation supporting strategy and risk governance.
Professor Ted Lefroy
Ted is an adjunct professor at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture at the University of Tasmania. He trained in agricultural science and has worked in rural development and extension in Australia and overseas and agricultural and environmental research in Australia.
Professor Greg Lehman
Professor Greg Lehman is a well-known Tasmanian art historian, curator, poet, essayist and commentator on Indigenous identity and place, who is descended from the Trawulwuy people of north-east Tasmania. Greg is Pro Vice-Chancellor, Aboriginal Leadership at the University of Tasmania.His research spans Indigenous cultural values, land and fire management to representation of Indigenous people in colonial art.
Professor Jan Mcdonald
Professor Jan McDonald is an environmental and climate law specialist based at the School of Law and Centre for Marine Socioecology at the University of Tasmania. Jan has worked with local, state and national governments and NGOs on environmental and climate change adaptation issues, in Australia and the Pacific Region.
Lisa studied Advanced Science specialising in the fields of zoology and evolutionary biology before starting her career as a scientist at the Australian Museum. After transitioning into tech in 2004, Lisa has spent the last 18 years developing products and scaling leaders and teams at some of the fastest growing companies in Australia, including Canva. She has now united her passion for conservation and technology by establishing Wedgetail: an organisation devoted to conserving and restoring biodiversity through sustainable investment.
Mark Temple-Smith
Between 1979 and 2015, Mark was a partner in and Principal of a Devonport law firm. He has been a barrister and solicitor in the civil and criminal jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, and advised in commercial, property, planning, estate and trust law.