Ways of giving to the TLC

Giving to the TLC is an incredibly effective and satisfying way to protect threatened species and habitats in Tasmania.

Every donation to the TLC, no matter how small, makes a difference. Your support protects threatened native species like forty-spotted pardalotes, swift parrots and Tasmanian devils. It establishes nature reserves across Tasmania, conserving habitats forever. And it helps people protect wildlife on their own land.


Whichever way you choose to donate, you are protecting vital, vulnerable habitat and precious threatened species.

Donate to purchase and protect land Donations have already established reserves like Sloping Main ReserveKelvedon Hills Reserve and the Vale of Belvoir Reserve. Watch this space for our next campaign!

Donate to support nature …and help us invest in scientific monitoring and land management. Purchasing a property for conservation is only the start of the journey. Active management makes the long-term difference for habitats and species.

Donate monthly …and join a group of committed supporters who have chosen this simple way to make a difference. The steady income of monthly donations lets us plan ahead and make strategic decisions for the future. Your donation will support the TLC in its day-to-day work of protecting nature on private land.

Leave a bequest … to the TLC in your will, and make a powerful pledge to the preservation of Tasmania’s natural places forever. Leaving a gift in your will leaves a legacy that benefits the planet long after you’re gone. Find out more about the work your bequest supports.

TLC Foundation …your gift to the TLC Foundation will allow our reserves to be maintained through a permanent and reliable source of income. You can establish a Foundation fund to honour someone special or to support a particular conservation project.

Your business can support us…through donations, in-kind support, and offsetting your impacts. Find out more by downloading our Businesses Doing Good brochure.

Donate shares … and the TLC will put the earnings to excellent use for conservation. Your donation will support the TLC in its day-to-day work of protecting nature on private land.

Donate in memory … and your gift in honour of someone special will support the TLC in its day-to-day work of protecting nature on private land.

The TLC is registered on the Commonwealth Government’s Register of Environmental Organisation and is a registered charity under the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission. The TLC has deductible gift recipient (DGR) status; all donations over $2 are tax deductible.

ABN: 88 743 606 934