in the nature

Movie night with the TLC

We at the TLC know how tough it can be when you can’t get out into nature. So while Australia is staying home, we thought we’d suggest some movies that will take your mind to wilder places. Some are films we’ve made ourselves, some are recommendations from our staff and supporters. Read on to find out how to be outdoors, indoors.

Gordonvale Reserve: a world heritage story

Gordonvale is known to many as the ‘bushwalkers rest’. For 18 years, up until the late 1950s, it was the isolated home of a legendary Tasmanian, Ernie Bond, known as the ‘Prince of Rasselas’. Ernie developed Gordonvale into a thriving little settlement and became renowned for his hospitality to bushwalkers, serving them wallaby stew, homegrown vegetables and home brew.

The remnants of his homestead have now disintegrated, slowly reclaimed by nature, except for stone foundations and scattered farm implements. This unique history qualifies the property for registration in the Tasmanian Historic Archaeological Sites Catalogue.

Normally accessible only on foot and through difficult terrain, Gordonvale Reserve is brought to life in this short film.

Click here to watch the movie, ‘Gordonvale: World Heritage Reserve’ on YouTube

Staff recommendations

Into the wild: compelling

Recommended by James Hattam, CEO of the TLC: ‘I was energised by Christopher McCandless’ search for meaning as he navigated a world that he found completely at odds with the simplicity and harmony of nature.’

Click here to watch a trailer for ‘Into the Wild’

Mountain: a complex, poetic film

Recommended by Jane Rawson, the TLC’s Communications Coordinator: ‘The footage in Mountain is remarkable, but what really makes it for me is the text. Mountain is written by Robert Macfarlane, one of Britain’s finest living nature writers and an author of great subtlety.’

Click here to watch a trailer for ‘Mountain’

A simple way you can help nature

Bequests play a crucial role in ensuring our long-term vision for Tasmania to be a global leader in nature conservation, and we are so grateful to supporters who have had the generosity and foresight to leave a gift to the TLC. We made this lovely short film to celebrate those who have chosen to leave a legacy to Tasmania’s natural places.

Click here to watch the movie ‘A simple way to help nature’ on YouTube