King Island – Sea Elephant

-39.8 S 144.1 E

This large property offers privacy and spectacular coastal scenery in one of the few remaining wild areas of King Island. Where else could you find a weekender like this only a short flight from Melbourne or mainland Tasmania? The critically endangered Orange-bellied Parrot uses the adjoining Sea Elephant Estuary as a stopover on its Bass Strait crossings.
  • $250 000

  • Address:
  • Area: 197ha (487ac)


King Island has been extensively cleared for agriculture, with less than 30% of the island covered by native vegetation. This block holds special significance due to its large areas of intact native vegetation, which are crucial for conservation.

This block forms part of the largest part of protected land on King Island, fronting the Sea Elephant and joining Lavinia State Reserve, Counsel Hill Conservation Area, Sea Elephant Conservation Area and conservation covenants on private land. It provides suitable habitat for a range of threatened flora and fauna species, including the Endangered Striped Marsh Frog and King Island endemic subspecies King Island Green Rosella (Vulnerable), King Island Scrub Tit (Critically Endangered) and King Island Brown Thornbill (Endangered). The Critically Endangered orange-bellied Parrot also uses the adjoining Sea Elephant Estuary as a stopover on its Bass Strait crossings.


To provide permanent protection for the conservation values on the property, a Conservation Covenant is registered against the title, with designated Exclusion Zones (approx. 4 ha) available on the western high point and lower north-eastern point. The exclusion zones allow for future use and development, noting that the land is accessed via foot through reserved land as vehicular access has not been formed – there is no access by vehicle currently available. Within this area future owners may clear vegetation, construct a dwelling and undertake all the usual activities associated with residential use (subject to Council approval where required). Elsewhere on the property the covenant restricts any activities that may degrade the conservation values of the land, but still allows for essential management activities (such as construction and maintenance of boundary fences) and for appropriate recreational activities (e.g. bird watching and walking tracks).

A Nature Conservation Plan is associated with the covenant, ensuring that owners can manage any threats to conservation values into the future. The TLC is also able to offer ongoing advice and assistance to the new owners in managing the conservation values of the land.


There are regular flights to King Island from both Victoria and the Tasmanian mainland and there is a car hire firm on King Island. For further information and contact details see

This keystone block is in excellent condition. From the property it is only a few minutes to the beach at the mouth of the Sea Elephant estuary and 30 minutes drive to Naracoopa.


This property was purchased through the TLC’s King Island Revolving Fund. Funding for the purchase was provided by the Australian Government through the Natural Heritage Trust. Proceeds from the sale of this property will be returned to the King Island Revolving Fund.